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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pusuk Sembalun

9:05 AM

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Sembalun , a village in East Lombok is located at the foot of Mount Rinjani has another attraction than others . This area offers natural charm lined green mountains and surrounding villages has also become one of the agrotourism village in East Lombok , one of which is Pusuk Sembalun .

Pusuk Sembalun is the highest point on the highway leading to the village center Sembalun . Initially , Pusuk Sembalun a haven where tourists , unwind after battling uphill streets and cornering sharply . But now , this Sembalun Pusuk changed into a place nongkrongnya youth , organization / community even become a family tourist destination .

Every Saturday , Sunday and other holidays Sembalun Pusuk is often jammed and crowded by visitors who arrive from morning until late afternoon . Here , visitors can enjoy the view from a height Sembalun village , up the green hills around , take pictures , enjoy coffee , maize and play with the monkeys . Available Gazebo / Berugaq which has long made ​​by residents to pamper the feet of diners enjoying the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of Mount Rinjani Sembalun village of heights .


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